Welcome to the Great Lakes Weather blog

Welcome to the Great Lakes weather blog. This blog is maintained by a bunch of Purdue University aviation professors (working and retired) who have interest in both the weather around the Great Lakes as well as associated outside activities. These activities include: flying, ballooning, soaring (gliders), camping, sailing, hiking, biking, caving, photography, canoeing, kayaking, skiing, fishing and gardening. The weather around the Great Lakes is unique and varied. Hopefully we bring some expertise, opinions, links and photos that you might find useful as you enjoy the great outdoors.

Great Lakes Weather Links

 Here are a few links to some weather pages you might find useful.

NWS Great Lakes Weather portal

Purdue Weather Radar

Great Lakes Weather Radar

NWS models

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What are the Great Lakes and how do they effect the weather

  The Great Lakes region includes the states and provinces surrounding the five lakes in North America; lakes Erie, Huron, Michigan, Ontario...